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Fairfield Hills Authority 9/19/06
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, Andrew Willie, John Reed, Amy Dent, Moira Rodgers, Donald Studley, Walter Motyka   

ALSO PRESENT:  Ed Marks (Parks & Recreation Commission), Scott Baillie (O&G), Lorel H. Purcell (O&G), Gary Sorge (Vollmer Associates), two members of public, one member of press

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, stated that the Board of Education did research comparing the cost of a new building at Fairfield Hills ($52 million) to the cost of renovation and addition to Kent House ($25 million). Since the Board of Ed has rejected Kent House, it will have to be demolished since it is an “enormous liability to the town”.  The Master Plan includes a new three-story town hall or renovation of Shelton House for a town hall.  Now the plan is for neither.  She feels a new building would be a better use of land.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Upon motion by Mr. Motyka, the minutes of 6/19/06, 7/5/06, 7/17/06 and 7/24/06 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Chairman Geckle introduced Christine, a Newtown High School senior who has chosen Fairfield Hills for her senior project.  

Financial – Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s year-to-date operating expenses report, as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expenses report.  

Operating – Mr. Willie reported that the fencing has been relocated to Kent, Fairfield and Norwalk..  There was a problem at Bridgeport Hall where the gutters and downspouts were not connected to the footing drains.  Mr. Baillie will look into temporarily hooking these up to alleviate the ponding problem but a permanent fix should be part of the building renovation.  Members were in receipt of the Utility Update from Public Works Director Fred Hurley (attached to original minutes).  Chairman Geckle would like to invite Mr. Hurley to the October or November meeting for discussion.  
        The monthly Property Management Report was received from Ms. DeMarco.  Ms. DeMarco has also advised that the police department will be using the campus for training.  

Planning – Ms. Dent reported that Mr. Moore from DECD will be providing information and guidelines for historical preservation in regards to mothballing of buildings.  She will forward this to O&G.  Ms. Dent also met with Mr. Richard Eigen and his partner who have been hired as grant consultants for the town.  They will look into availability of funds for infrastructure.  Mr. Barclay of North American Realty should have a development package ready next week and will have concept plans for review.  
        Mr. Motyka reported that the Economic Development Chairman has been informed of interest by an outside firm who is looking into the feasibility of activating the power plant.  This Authority will be briefed on any further findings.
        Ms. Dent advised that North America Realty has negotiated a contract for hourly work for Phase II so that we can stop work at any point this Authority decides.

Playing Fields – Mr. Baillie introduced Ms. Lorel Purcell, Pre-Construction Manager with O&G, who will be assuming responsibility for the fields, trails and mothballing.  Mr. Sorge of Vollmer then distributed copies of the design development plans for the baseball field and first phase of the trails, which are 50% complete.  He asked that Authority members look through these plans and submit written comments back within the next two weeks.  The next step would be for O&G to develop design development budgets and provide proposals to the town.  They would need four weeks to complete.  
        Mr. Motyka moved to recommend tha the Selectmen proceed with setting the standards for the campus, i.e. lighting, parking, overall treatment for environmental vegetation, signs.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Town Hall – Mr. Baillie advised that O&G has been meeting with the First Selectman to coordinate, refine and define the overall town hall plans.  The current plan is for 40,000 sf of renovated building with 3,000 sf of new additional space.  Plans are expected to be completed by end of the month.  

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk